
Saturday, April 16, 2016

# 99 Easy Street, Part Twenty-Four. Louis Shalako.

Louis Shalako

The pounding from above started up, Man-Child as he was known, totally oblivious to anything in the outside world as people like that often were. Amy desperately struggled to get a hand into O’Hara’s pocket, looking for the key. He was a bit overweight and the polyester slacks were tight. He was laying on his side, out like a light.

With a rope no longer around his neck, Mark was practically dancing in rage. The urge to kick that slightly-pudgy face, lying face-down on the floor was practically overwhelming. Would he ever like to bust that cocksucker’s ribs.

I really should be able to do it…it was a personal failure.

She pulled out a key ring. Holding it up, she looked at Mark in horror. O’Hara’s body twitched and they both stepped back.

“Shit. It’s a real small one—hurry, try it.”

He turned around and she grabbed at his wrists.

“Shit. Shit. Shit. Fuck—” It was the third one she tried, and then both of Mark’s hands were free.

She threw the cuffs aside.

O’Hara, after a few initial twitches, had subsided into a low moan, his hands pushing feebly at the floor but his eyes were still unfocused. They were unfortunately open again, which meant bad news in anybody’s book.

The right arm moved just as Mark was going forward to pull the gun off the guy. Mark couldn’t see the gun, it had to be under him somewhere. He was a big, heavy guy, and moving again.

Mark stepped back in panic.

O’Hara made another little snuffling sound. The head came up off the floor and gave itself a little shake.

“Come on.” He grabbed Amy’s hand and pulled her towards the door. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”

Remembering the cat, Mark shoved Amy out into the hall.

“Go up to Duke’s—if he’s not home, Maude lives down the hall on the same side. She’s right at the back.”

She nodded.

“What—what are you going to do?”

“The cat—the fucking cat.”

Amy seemed to understand, and so did he. She backed off down the hall, turning and sprinting upon hearing another low groan from O’Hara.

Mark wouldn’t have much time, but the window was open and the cat was smart enough when you got right down to it.

Theoretically, he really should call the fucking cops…


Amy wasn’t being left behind. Duke pulled the clip on a Beretta nine-millimetre pistol. He took another look and then inserted it. Snip, snap, and the thing was all set to go.

It seemed like Duke had a pretty good idea of how to use it. Mark nodded and opened the door after a peek through the peephole and a long listen.

Cocking the gun, Duke led. He went through first, all set to shoot. The three of them crept down the stairs, ears straining for any sounds of O’Hara. No one came out or up or down while they were in the stairwell. Duke checked around the corner. Mark’s hallway seemed relatively quiet, just the usual sounds of television coming from behind the usual doors. The east end of the hallway was very quiet, but that guy worked afternoons somewhere and the lady on the other side was a real church-mouse.

The apartment door was closed—and O’Hara was armed.

Duke moved to the far side, gun leveled. Mark, keeping Amy way back, reached, turned the knob and gave the door an awkward shove inwards. Using the ultimate extension of his wrist and his hand, the door frame ensuring a short throw.

He stepped back, realizing that Amy was just in the way, and yet she wasn’t leaving the two of them either. He gently pushed her back some more—

Nothing happened.

Nothing happened, an unexpected outcome, and yet what they had all been hoping for. Duke took a quick look, standing with some protection from the doorframe. He pushed the door in and stuck the gun in and had a good look.

“Where was he?”


“Laying right there on the floor.” Mark risked a look.

O’Hara was gone. The rope was gone. The knife was gone. There hadn’t been much else there to begin with. The chair was still in the closet. The closet door was still open.

The cat, on the other hand, had come out of hiding and was sitting there with an expectant look on its face in the dead centre of an otherwise empty living room.

Thin cotton curtains billowing on the front window sort of implied a method of escape. They’d been away long enough, that O’Hara might have just as easily taken the stairs. Of necessity, Mark had been forced to explain as best he could before Duke could sort of see the need to get involved…which he would have much preferred not to do. There was just no way. Duke never would have let Mark have the gun and go off on his own with it. Not for any reason. For one thing, it was registered in his name, necessary for concealed-carriage of a firearm.

In that sense, he was just being a responsible person.

Mark had few words.

“Fuck. What—what do we do now, Duke?”

With an imperative jerk of the head, Duke indicated that they should all go back upstairs.

Mark nipped in and grabbed the cat before it could get away again, and this time grabbing his wallet and the keys. Interestingly, the knife and what was presumably his suicide note were gone.

“Mark—my purse.”

“Right.” He grabbed it and tossed it in her direction, with Amy making a good if hasty catch.

The door was locked when he left.

For all the good that would do.


Duke’s apartment was only going to be so safe for so long. What O’Hara might do next was open to guesswork. It was a safe bet that he wasn’t going to take it lightly. He’d just been about to kill a man, and surely now that Mark had escaped, he must do something.

Surely Mark would call the police and freak out. O’Hara would do something.

The only real question was what. And when, and how. As to why, that was almost irrelevant.

“The fucker was trying to kill you.” Duke was finding it hard to accept. “This is just nuts.”

He had only his faith in Mark and Amy’s corroboration to go on. It was Amy that had convinced him—her being real smart and all of that.

“Yeah. It is nuts—maybe there really is no other motive.” Cop goes nuts, starts killing people.

For no reason at all, other than some severe and undiagnosed mental illness of a sort that left your faculties intact and no one around you remarked upon—and of course cops could get around on the public dime. They had all sorts of mobility.

It could be just as simple as that. It would make a wonderful headline for the tabloids, or a cheap psychological police procedural…

Shaken as they were, Mark and Amy needed a plan. The apartment was off-limits…probably forever, thought Mark with a horrible sinking sensation. There wasn’t much there to hold him—a couple of horns and some clothes. A toothbrush.

“What are you thinking, Mark?” Amy had a good point.

“You and I have to get the hell out of here.”

Duke nodded sharply.

“Yeah—I might be all right. But you guys definitely got to go.”

It was right about then a female voice, coming from somewhere in the building, up above on the next floor by the sounds of it, began screaming in a hysterical fashion.

Duke strode to the door, opening it up, gun in hand. The first thick tendrils of smoke came in and somebody right about then pulled the fire alarm.

Duke closed the door with a quick slam.

“Shit. Where’s that fucking cat?” The thing had leapt out of Amy’s arms and bolted into the inner rooms.

Duke shoved the gun down the rear waistband of his pants.

He’d rather lose a buttock than a testicle…or worse.

As Mark and Amy tried to corral a suddenly-skittish animal, Duke went through the place in a quick flurry of precise, no-nonsense maneuvers. Money went into one pocket, a large bag of dope in another. His best hash-pipe went into the bag, and a pair of jeans, a favourite shirt. There was a silver-framed picture of an elderly woman, presumably his mother…

A half-finished pulp novel. He had a few small things. It all fit into a gym bag. A look of sadness crossed his face and he fell into a chair for a minute. After thirty seconds he put on some shoes, got up and pulled on his jacket. There was smoke coming in from under the door.




They only had so much time.

“All right. Let’s get the hell out of here. You guys better take the fire escape. Do that now. I have to check on Maude, then there’s that old lady on the fifth…good luck. Run, guys. Run and don’t come back. Don’t stop running until you get to the coast.”

Mark’s mouth opened to protest, and then Duke’s hand went to his pocket. He pulled out the wad of cash, forcing Mark to take it.

“I want you guys to promise, okay. You too, Amy. Even if you’re safe, he’ll be watching you—you can almost count on it.”

Amy began to sniffle, nodding.

Mark stood there, unable to speak.

Everything was changing again—fuck.

Duke handed Amy an envelope, picking it up off the table beside the door where he kept the keys. 

For some reason they weren’t in a big hurry. The building was all masonry, although the smoke would be death if they didn’t get going.

“What’s this?” She was mystified, besides, they needed to get.

“My draft notice. Don’t worry about me, okay? Maybe we’ll catch up someday.”

Duke gave Amy a strong shove towards the window. There was definitely a lot of smoke coming in, getting pretty heavy now.

His draft notice. Of course. Mark suddenly understood the life-style. It was all about denial—

Only when she was halfway out did Duke turn back to Mark.

“Let’s swap wallets. Please. Just trust me on this one.”

Mark sure as hell didn’t have any great plan. He handed over his wallet, accepting Duke’s in return.

“When you get so far, just dump it in a ditch, okay?”

“Sure, Duke.”

“I’ll be in Canada if you need me—and I’ll be careful to lose your wallet in Montreal. Something like that—capiche?” If he left it behind in the right place, some responsible person would find it

The right thing to do, would be for them to turn it in to the police—a nice touch.

“Wait. Wait.” One more inspiration.

Duke whipped off his leather bomber jacket.

“Here. Let’s swap coats. That fucking cocksucker’s probably right outside, you know that, right?”

The roar and crackle of flames was right on the other side of the ceiling.

“Shit.” Mark stripped off the parka even as the temperature climbed and the air was getting real bad. 

“Whatever you want—I’ll hang onto this for you.”

Duke looked at him.

“Sure.” He swallowed. “Good luck, buddy.”

That would have to suffice. There might even be some wisdom in it. As for Mark, he was plumb out of ideas. He was losing his friend.

Duke might turn out to be the best friend he ever had—

He and Mark shook hands quickly. With a nod in the direction of the window and the fire escape, Duke opened the door and went out, bent at the waist and feeling his way along the wall. That was the last thing Mark saw before slamming the door. After some initial yelling and the pounding of feet on stairs and fire escape, it was terribly quiet out there. It was just smoke, lots of thick, billowing smoke of a highly noxious nature. The air was hot and billowing up from below.

The cat, the cat.

The God-damned cat.

Mark’s face was inches from Amy’s feet.

He wanted out of there real bad, and going down that damned fire escape in the middle of the night was going to be something else. His heart was really going. So far it had kept going…

The cat struggled in his arms and he was ever so grateful when she reached in and took it from him.

Let her handle the damned thing for a while.

Sooner or later, if this kept up, the way things were going, Mark Jones was going to get angry.

Very, very angry.

(End of Part Twenty-Four.)

Thanks for reading.



# 99 Easy Street, Part Twenty-Three. Louis Shalako.

Louis Shalako

“Hey, Mark, how’s it going.” The bedroom light snapped on overhead.

Mark sat bolt upright, whipping off the coverlet, which was surprisingly hard to do in a waterbed.


It was Detective O’Hara, standing over him, right beside the bed.

He had a long and speculative look on his face as his eyes slid over the room.

“Holy, Jesus, you scared the shit right out of me.” Mark blinked at the cop, whose jacket was hitched back suggestively, revealing the pistol on his belt.

His hand hovered casually over the butt, near enough as made no difference.

“Sorry about that, Mark.”

“Ah, yeah.” Amy was gone again, after yet another night of partying, drinking, smoking hash and other things, and then they’d had some pretty wild sex.

His glance darted around the room.

What evidence had they left behind?

Her clothes appeared to be gone, and he rubbed his eyes.


“Come on. Get up.”

Mark swung his legs over the side, trying to bite back the resentment. Fucking O’Hara wanted something. That much was evident.


“It’s okay, Mark, I just want to talk to you.”

“Honestly, you got no right to come walking in here—whether the door was locked or not. Whether you’re a cop or not or whether you got a fucking God-damned key or not—”

“Shut up.” O’Hara’s hand was on the butt of the gun now.

“I need some pants, for crying out loud.” This was too much. “Who in the fuck do you guys think you are?”

What in the hell was their problem?

“Fine. I’ll shoot you right there. Get moving.”

“Fuck, people have rights, detective.” Mark’s voice had gone up half an octave.

O’Hara stepped back, training and experience coming to the fore. His fingers curled around the gun-butt. Mark was kicking up a fuss, uncharacteristically for him.

“Get.” O’Hara beckoned with the left hand. “Come on, Mark. Don’t make me get tough.”


He lumbered up out of the bed.

Mark shuffled out into the living room, O’Hara following watchfully. He would have been stark naked, except that during the night he’d had to pee, and he'd left the curtains open on the front windows. His underwear was thankfully pretty clean, but for how much longer no one could say…

“What in the hell is this about?”

Mark’s mouth fell open when he spied a coil of thick manila rope on the chair nearest the door.

“Detective. What in the hell—”

O’Hara pulled the gun and pointed it at Mark’s nose.

“I told you to shut up, punk. Creep. Weirdo.”

The cat came in the window just then. It hadn’t been seen all day, not since the night before last.

Mark had concluded that it might not be his cat after all, and that maybe someone else was feeding it. He didn’t think it was in heat. When it went to rub itself on Mark’s leg, O’Hara’s foot lashed out and he kicked the thing as it went past.

Mark’s blood was quickly coming to a boil.

The trouble was that gun.


O’Hara had him seated on one of the maple chairs in the living room, hands cuffed and the chain through the spindles of the back. The detective was going through the place in a halfhearted search. It seemed like he was just taking a look around. He opened the front closet, just inside the door and grunted.

Whatever he was looking for, he wasn’t going to find it in there. Mark didn’t own a single coat-hangar.

Keeping the gun pointed at Mark, he took a quick look in the bedroom. Mumbling to himself, he took a quick walk down to the end of the hall. The linen closet was shallow, shelved from a couple of feet above the floorboards all the way up to the top. He tried the kitchen. The kitchen pantry was bigger. This was a small room of about three feet wide by four feet deep, with more shelves and even some wooden bins for potatoes and the like at floor level. He snapped on the light, and Mark could see him in there, seemingly at a loss.

“What’s this about, Detective?”

Mark’s face was flushed with anger. He couldn’t really resist a cop, not one with a gun pointing at him, but this was outrageous. Were they all like that? His thoughts went back to Schenectady.

The detective came out, his face clearing. He put the gun away.

“It’ll have to be this one, then.”

Ignoring Mark, he picked up the coil of rope and went to work. There was a sickness in Mark’s stomach as the man revealed a noose and slip-knot arrangement. Kids often made them for fun, hanging them up on the way to school as Halloween approached. He’d done it himself, more than once, on Devil’s night. The other end of what was only eight or ten feet of rope went over the steel pipe of the coat hangar, stretching from side to side inside the closet.

“What…in the hell…” Is going on here.

“This is not your day, Mark.”

“I asked you a question, Detective O’Hara. But why don’t I just answer it for you? A certain kind of psychopath revisits the scene of the crime.”

With a smile, O’Hara took out the keys to the handcuffs.

“Well, I guess I can understand your feelings in this matter. You don’t know what’s going on, and you feel you deserve an answer. Hmn.” He appeared to consider the prospect as Mark’s guts churned. “Not a bad guess, actually. Honestly, the quicker I’m out of here, the better it is for me. I’m a busy man and my time is precious. Mark. I’m going to have to ask you not to struggle too much, or it will leave a lot of marks on your wrists.” Those deadly eyes impaled him. “I just want to know that I remember the face of every man I ever killed. It haunts me sometimes, it really does.”

Tears sprung to Mark’s eyes as the bastard unlocked the cuff on the left wrist, yanked him to his feet, and kicked the chair away simultaneously. Mark was kept off balance the whole time, and then the cuff was snapped back on.

“You’ll never get away with…this.”

“You’ll never know, will you? By the way, if you give me too much trouble, I’m going after the girl—what’s her name, Amy. Right? You understand?” O’Hara gave him a rap on the side of the head with the barrel of the pistol. “You get it, punk?”

“Argh. You’re not going to kill me—you’re too fucking stupid.”

“Hah. Good one.”

“Yeah. Just when you think you know Ed O’Hara, he turns on you. In the final scene, he turns out to be a prick.”

O’Hara wasn’t taking it too personally. He shoved Mark into the closet, giving him another rap on the head. He flipped the noose over Mark’s head, giving it a quick one-handed yank, tightening the noose. Sharp fibers stung his neck and Mark, trying to spin, kicked at the detective’s groin but O’Hara was obviously expecting it and took it on the hip-bone. Painful it might have been, it wasn’t enough to make much of a difference.

“Right. Fat lot of good that will do you.”

Mark shuddered. This dude was going to kill him. He was really going to do it. He watched as O’Hara pulled something out of his pocket. Taking a blood-stained knife out of a plastic baggie, he dropped it carefully on the floor. Sealing the bag, he put it away. He pulled a folded piece of paper out of an inner pocket and went into the kitchen.

“I’m thinking there’s a dead hooker just around the corner.”

“I’m thinking you may be right.” O’Hara gave him an approving nod. “Yeah, you catch on real fast.”

“Detective…why? Why?”

O’Hara came back. He stood there admiring his handiwork, not quite sure perhaps how, or if he could really do it. Mark weighed a hundred and seventy pounds. He would be kicking and screaming, and it would take two hands to lift him off the ground…the solution was to choke him into unconsciousness and then lift him. Either that, or get him to stand on the chair and then tie off the rope. Kick the chair away. Perhaps that was best. The trouble with these shit-hole apartments was that the pipe brackets holding up the coat rod would come right out of the wall, and that wasn’t what he wanted at all. Perhaps choking was best after all—

Mark’s mouth opened as the detective put the gun securely away and stepped in to finish it.

Mark’s mouth snapped shut and he stared, trying not to hope.

Mark’s voice couldn’t be too loud, or O’Hara’s instincts would be aroused. But he had to keep him occupied as long as possible…

Words to a song he’d written a long time ago came to him.

“You are strong but I am wise. We shall meet again—in hell, O’Hara. In hell.”

O’Hara nodded thoughtfully.

“Right on. You wrote that yourself.”

“It’s all bullshit, you know—it’s all fake. It’s all a lie. I did it to get out of jail, O’Hara. Sure, I had a mental illness. I’ve suffered from severe and chronic depression since I was a kid. But the Establishment is bullshit. I plead self-defense. The fact is, you’re a million times crazier than I am.”

What Mark saw but O’Hara missed was Amy’s purse, sitting on the floor in the far inner corner of the room. It was in the shadows, beside his parka and the two horn cases.

The detective appeared to consider it. This guy was a real sadist, to be toying with his victim like that. Like a music critic, only worse in some ways…O’Hara, apparently humoring Mark, drew the other chair over, and sat on it backwards, grinning at Mark.

“It really doesn’t matter, Mark. You can take that little secret to the grave with you…besides, I wouldn’t trust no one over thirty.”

He went on, for which Mark was grateful. Otherwise he was thirty seconds from dissolution. 

A lot of pain stood between here and then.

“Gambling is nothing more than the study of probabilities.” He pursed his lips. “A lot of people are going to die here tonight. I want a nice, tight little solution to my case, Mark. It’s nothing personal. It’s just that you happen to be available. But like poker, police work is the study of your fellow human beings. Your arrest reports, even your little stints in jail, will conveniently disappear.”

“What in the hell are you talking about, Ed?” Mark tried to make his voice reasonable, friendly almost. “Hey, it’s not like I love the system any more than you do. Maybe I can help you, Ed.”

O’Hara snorted.

“You are helping me, old buddy, old pal. Can you dig it.”

Mark sighed, deeply, and as loudly as he could.

“Ed. I have to pee—”

Photo by M62, (Wiki.)
O’Hara laughed and it was his undoing. He threw his head back and really laughed.

Noisy as the building was at the best of times, O’Hara hadn’t heard her opening up the bathroom door or creeping down the hallway with a short length of lead pipe in her hands…

“Ah. Mark. You slay me, you really do.”

Just at the last possible second, O’Hara began to turn, hearing the squeak of the floorboards, but by then the pipe was already swinging.

The look on her face was intense, having no doubt seen and heard enough out of this guy to have no hesitation at all.

“You bastard.”


The impact sounded a lot like Babe Ruth knocking another one out of the stadium.

This one was going out of the park.

The detective went down like a sack of potatoes and it was like for a moment, the whole building went quiet.

Which was kind of unusual, for good old # 99 Easy Street...

(End of Part Twenty-Three.)

Thanks for reading.