
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Ready for Formatting.

c2011 (S)

My manuscript for 'The Shape-Shifters' is almost ready to go. I edited about 130 pages today, and what was once a little bit daunting is now a source of one big effin' grin.

The story's basic premise is a simple one, 'You can't change who you really are,' but of course the reader has no idea of who anyone is when they begin reading. As in all of my stories, the genre is just a vehicle for telling a story, a very human story, about relationships.

As I format, naturally I leave spelling check and grammar check turned on. I plan on going straight to the nuclear option in terms of wiping clean my source file, and lately I've been nailing the Smashwords meat-grinder with alacrity.

I have my ISBN and a decent cover. While there is no reason to hurry, with over two and a half weeks to go, I wouldn't mind taking a couple of days off and going somewhere.

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