Online Works.

Note: Links become dead when the story is killed for licensing reasons and rights revert back to the author..

Contact. Perihelion Science Fiction Magazine, November 2014. Link expires Dec 12.

The Trophy, New Myths, Sept. 2014. Appears under Flash Fiction.

A Sea of Sand, Perihelion Science Fiction Magazine, June 2014. If you hold the mouse icon over the Shorter Stories line, a pop-up box appears which lists the individual story titles and authors.

The Clone (English version. NOSF Croatia.)

El Clon, (The Clone,) La Idea Fija. (Argentina.) February, 2014.

'The Intercept,' Antipodean Science Fiction, June 2013.

'Love and Death at 300,000 Metres.' Perihelion Science Fiction Magazine. May 12/13.

'The Apparition of the Virgin,' #488 Bewildering Stories, July 30/2012.

'Near Death Experience,' Danse Macabre.

'Diogenes,' Nova Fantasia, 1st Century A.D. steampunk, (Spanish.)

'Lenny Lays an Egg,' ('Lenny legt een ei,' appears in the June 2011 issue of 'Wonderwaan.' (Netherlands.)

Our new story, 'Gombhi' appears in Hazard Cat. (June/2011)

The story, 'Hydra' appears in Bewildering Stories, (#433. U.S.)

'Apparition of the Virgin,' a sort of Clive Cussler SF parody, appears here in Algernon, (Estonia.)

'The Sphere of Invisibility,' in Spanish, Axxon, Argentina.

'Nanobots in the Lawn,' Spanish, Axxon, Arg.

'Danse,' appearing in Morgenblatter, (Morning Poetry, Danse Macabre Online Literary Maazine.)

'The Parting,' Breath & Shadow Magazine, (U.S.)

'The Stud Farm,' a SF story appears in Jupiter #30. (UK, Nov 2010)

'Mr. Robot,' a poem, appears in Twisted Tongue, #16.

'Bloody Dream,' flash or micro fiction, appears in Twisted Tongue #15, (pg. 50.)

'Signs of Aging,' may be found here at defenestration magazine.

'Our Home,' can be read online here at Shine Journal. (U.S.)

The story, 'Bushman,' originally appearing in Aurora Wolf, is included in the anthology 'Aurora in the Dawn.'

The stories 'The Jesus Christ Show' and 'Gotchimon' have appeared in Wonderwaan.

'Mr. Ramon,' a horror story, appeared in Dark Valentine magazine. (Now defunct.)

'Censorship: Plato vs. Socrates,' appears in Breath and Shadow.