Louis Shalako
Commodore Arthur Perry looked up at a knock at the door.
earnest, freshly-scrubbed face of Lieutenant Cassidy was troubled.
We have a problem.”
Scimitar, sir. She appears to be
missing.” Scimitar was the heaviest
enemy vessel in fifty or a hundred light-years.
outgunned pretty much anything they could throw at her—
What do you mean, missing?”
gone, sir.”
were in the Communications and Information Centre, more informally The War Room
among the junior service people.
Scimitar has been holed up for the
last nineteen standard months. She put in for major repairs following the
skirmish at Gliese. And she’s not there now, sir.”
How in the hell—” They’d been watching her like a hawk.
a good question, sir. We simply don’t know. But there have been persistent
rumours of enhanced stealth capabilities. Some of the incidental information
would tend to confirm this—there is a significant industrial base on Kepler
442b, and it’s certainly possible she’s been fitted with something new.”
Commodore studied the data. He’d been briefed on it some time ago.
Radar-absorbent materials. Plastics, fibres, carbon nano-tube laminates in
resin matrix. Then there was the whole range of electronics fit. With a ship of
that size, they might have just had time to do it. Intel, some of it was based
on fact, and a lot of it was pure spec.
see. The question is now, what to do about it.”
In this
sector, there were very few vessels available. Some of their units were on
convoy duty.
probably couldn’t be spared. Then there was the base itself. It wouldn’t do to
leave Prosper completely undefended.
need to locate that ship, first and foremost.”
Senior intelligence officer, Commander Maude Padorcek, touched her display and
a new page opened.
map before him displayed the tactical situation in a wide swath of space.
Commodore already knew where all of his ships were, but it was an aid to
for him, the decision was quick and yet probably correct.
We’ll send Dragon, Wolf and Tiger.” The first was an armed
replenishment ship.
Dragon had all the same weapons-systems,
but with substantially more bulk she was nowhere near as nimble. She had a
disturbing number of crewmembers, and this was risky game.
last two were destroyers, and even with all three put together, they would be
no match for Scimitar.
have other units, sir.”
had the light cruiser Splendid, in
port for minor maintenance, as well as leave and replenishment. Their only real
hope with a target like Scimitar was
to swamp it. They had a couple of aging destroyers, mostly useful as
sacrificial picket ships and maintaining security.
duties involved conducting civilian policing patrols as much as anything else.
The sector was well enough known to smugglers, willing to take the risk with
such a barren presence on the part of the authorities.
included authorities on the other side as well.
We’ll get them into fighting trim within twenty-four hours.” The Commodore
looked at Captain Johanssen, deputy base commander. “We’ll cut these orders in
a minute. But I’m thinking Scimitar could
be here in three days if they follow the shortest course—and if they have any
sort of stealth capability, then that is exactly what I would do. If I were
was by no means certain.
turned to Commander Padorcek.
need to find out what their fleet units are doing in other areas. If there are
any signs of concentration, that’s bad news for us.” Any new offensive would
try to achieve tactical and strategic surprise, more especially so as the
Dominium was the stronger power.
didn’t mean much out here sometimes—his units were spread very thin these days.
specifically, what are our current orders for Dragon, Wolf and Tiger?”
Wolf was on patrol, luckily not far
from Kepler. Her major duty was surveillance of the enemy port and Scimitar in particular.
Tiger was thirty light years from her,
and Dragon was docked. It would take
time to round up crewmembers, some of whom would be enjoying a much-anticipated
rest. It took a certain amount of time to fuel and provision a ship. Her
repairs would have to be completed.
was a pretty tall order.
“First. Tiger will rendezvous with Wolf and conduct a thorough search
between here and there. Dragon will rendezvous with them ASAP.” Getting
out of port might take a day or so, with crew and civilian contractors doubling
up on work parties and going around the clock.
odds of borrowing units from adjoining sectors were slim, but he would also
give that a try.
else is on high alert. In the meantime, hold their positions until we get more
Jamie Maszco read the message quickly. Wolf
had reported being unable to locate Scimitar
at her berth, an always-uncertain process at long range and with her present
on patrol meant they couldn’t be watching one hundred percent of the time.
Otherwise they might have had an exact time of departure, which would be
helpful. On one relatively-near pass, Scimitar
was there. One day later, and she was gone.
They were getting some direction from higher authority. The information from
Prosper had been fully shared with the crew.
Second in command, Commander Aleisha Reynaert, was terse, fuming at the delay.
It was better than nothing, in his opinion.
held that a ship under stealth mode couldn’t use full power. Ship’s thrusters
generated a lot of heat. That heat alone, would, or should be a dead giveaway. Then there was infrared, ultraviolet,
the whole EM spectrum. In a universe filled with billions of blazing stars in
the background; that meant searching a lot of space. In order to maximize beam power,
instruments had limited fields of view, although with rapid scanning that meant
only so much.
naval analogy was a limited one…modern warships were extremely lightly-built by
ancient standards, designed for speed, acceleration and maneuverability at sub
and FTL.
the Dominium was said to have their own stealth program in place, information
on it was not widely disseminated. There was a certain amount of glitzy,
feel-good propaganda on the subject, and that was about it. There were military
groupies who would watch such materials, but he needed real information. His
own ship had stealth features, but she was also a hundred years old.
had a lot of questions.
was for sure.
not the only ones that can theorize.”
pair conferred on the bridge in quiet tones. The whole crew knew about Scimitar by now, but they needed
informed input.
got around. It would be surprising if they didn’t have something to say.
sir. The best way for them to get out of the inner system, based on planetary
movements…and our own, is this trajectory here.” She laid it all out for him,
based on calculations and observations made. “Assuming they’re headed for
was the code name of their own home base, an assembly of man-made objects
orbiting an obscure brown dwarf on the other side of the line.
assuming they’re making a more or less straight run for it.”
They also know we’re watching, so at some point they have to expect a
reaction.” This was one reason for their intermittent, unpredictable schedule
of popping up in close proximity to the enemy port and having a quick look from
time to time.
quick departures would have also been noted.
Scimitar would have watched
them. Scimitar would have watched
them leave, done a cold-engine start and then taken off in the opposite
direction…maybe. They would have had everything all lined up and ready to go.
have to figure out what to do, right now, sir.”
the crew at action stations. The other half will have to rest and eat and be alert.
I want them ready to strap in at a moment’s notice. Suits on for the duty
watch. Visors up, that’s fine. They can take them off to sleep, shower, or for
medical reasons.” At any given time half the crew would be ready for an
engagement—or a surprise attack and total disaster.
This would be an unpopular move, but not as unpopular as dying.
begin our search immediately. If we get lucky we’ll trip over her—” And shortly
thereafter, be blown to kingdom come.
least then, Fleet would have some more information.
we detect anything, anything at all, call me.”
captain stood.
want you to take over.” He gave a sigh. “It’s time I read up on stealth again…I
have to admit, it’s been a while.”
me know when you’re done. I might want to have a look at that myself.” This was
said with a half-smile, as there was all kinds of materials on file.
could read it just as easily as him, sitting there on the bridge.
He gave a sober nod. “It also gives me a minute to think. Carry on, Commander.”
spent some time interrogating the database, transferring files to his hand-held
was a big difference between passive and active defense. This was going to be a
real cat-and-mouse game.
lay on his bed reading, a bit of music down low in the background, studying the
four pyramidal projections roughly amidships, one for each major direction. Like
a submarine with four conning towers, she had vision in all directions, ahead
and behind, above and below, left, right and centre with multiple redundancy
due to careful design. The key to this was all calculated angles and sensor placement.
It was all about body-shaping. In many ways, Scimitar was similar to his own ship, merely heavier, much better
protected and more heavily-armed.
wasn’t quite as fast as Wolf, but she
would have longer cruise duration and much greater stores provision.
was some pretty heavy science behind stealth technology. It had originally been
used on Earth on ancient military aircraft. The big trick was adapting it to
space. Early space vessels weren’t exactly known for clean lines. They were all
bits and pieces, ad hoc modules bolted
to a simple cantilever framework. An envelope hull, containing all within it,
was a comparatively recent development.
alone had been an exponential leap forward.
was very little cover in space. Most of the early ships were little more than
big radar mirrors. Brilliantly polished, manufacturers eager to please and
impress, ensured that the early ships and stations had been visible…highly
civil and private ships were still the same way—ship-owners were mostly
interested in carrying cargo or passengers, parcels and luxury goods. They were
big, slab-sided boxes or only slightly less easily detectable cylinders. If one
of their ships went missing, they wanted to be able to find it again. Even more
so, the insurance companies.
the darned thing invisible was not their highest priority.
ships had been headed towards stealth technology, pretty much since the dawn of
space-based military operations. Early designers had all that aircraft and
naval, even land-based experience in stealth. The basics had been incorporated into virtually every major vessel
built in the last fifty or a hundred years.
biggest challenge had always been the power unit and the flare of the thrust. This
was composed of hot gasses, light, heat, radiation, and plasma. Even with the
best shielding, some radiation inevitably leaked out.
signatures were carefully studied, catalogued and available along with the
intelligence notes on virtually all known vessels of war or peace.
had been made to cool the exhaust from the thrust nozzles. As far as the rest
of Scimitar went, there was nothing
really startling in their best pictures. Some of these had been obtained by
spies presumably, judging by proximity and clarity. There were diplomatic and
journalistic sources as well. There were a lot of pictures, three-views and
cutaways. Scimitar seemed well-suited
to begin with…it was a fairly modern heavy cruiser.
were the minimum of protuberances. Her faceted sides were angled to reflect and
redirect as much of a radar signal as possible. Every line had a subtle curve
to it, and under the skin were presumably the usual radar-absorbing materials.
Structure played a role as well. A radar wave or pulse would bounce in
predictable directions, and would be reflected back and forth in a
radar-absorbent structure. For example, into anything V-shaped, at just the
right angles depending on expected signal ranges. If that V-shape consisted of
radar-absorbing materials, the signal would be attenuated with each bounce
between the sides. It could be absorbed along the way. Previous Intelligence
accounts did not credit her with this kind of framing. As originally built, she
was more of an angular dirigible. What they might have done with her since then
was a very good question.
parts of the ship would be plastic, or coated with radar-absorbing materials
according to Intelligence. Much of the information had been gathered in more
peaceful times. There were paints, with microscopic ferrite beads, which had an
effect. All the elements contributed to the end result. Mere hull-shape had a
lot to do with it—beat that and you were halfway there.
were notoriously hard to detect from the front end. That killed ninety percent (or
more) of detection range for most known optical, radar and laser detection
systems. The big problem was heat and radiation coming out of the back end. The
rear of a ship presented a much larger and more complex detection target.
instincts were aroused, that was for sure. He wondered if this was their big
how would it have been done?
thoughts of pouring super-cooled liquids into the tail-pipes, seemed, on the
face of it, ludicrous.
we’re making too much of it. We were away for a full day—maybe they just lit
the motors and went off while we weren’t paying attention.
yet the Wolf had buoys in place. None
of their little surveillance drones had registered anything. There was no big
flare of radiation, and unfortunately, the button-sized plastic lenses on the
little machines weren’t particularly good. They couldn’t photograph Scimitar, at rest, without penetrating
the enemy’s defense perimeter, where they would have been quickly destroyed by patrolling
enemy drones. It was easy enough to figure. She’d simply turned on her
countermeasures before light-up.
minute she was there, and the next minute she was gone.
whole thing was a pickle.
was the man on the spot.
some point, he must have dozed off with the idea of some sort of chemical detection in his thoughts.
in the hell were they doing it…???
…and England expects that every man shall
do his duty.
sipped his coffee.
Let’s say Scimitar sees us making our
usual check-in. They wait for us to leave. Which way would they go then?”
young navigation officer, Murphy, nodded.
likely in the opposite direction, sir. The station is orbiting the planet. In
order to see them, we have to take the risk of them seeing us. But about this
heat-masking…in my opinion that can only be so effective for so long. Our
theory is that they’re baffling the engines behind a grid or diffuser…maybe
dumping something super cold into the thrust stream. At maybe ten percent of
power, they’re only going to get so far so fast.” They would have limited
storage space.
could carry only so much liquid nitrogen…or helium, or so the young man
was just too heavy and water vapour took too long to dissipate.
stylus touched an icon and a new pane opened up.
showed a swirling, corkscrew trajectory. First they had to get out of the
system, more often as not using the plane of the ecliptic and then the vector
changing, up and around and then over
this way…galactic north meant nothing on a star-by-star basis. System and
planetary poles all went their own way, all cock-eyed all over the place.
was all guesswork, but it showed Scimitar
departing its parking orbit and then using the two largest bodies in the system
for a gravitational assist. This made sense in the light of the low power
setting used…maybe. The star itself would have been of some assistance in a
low-power profile.
a line from a presumed point outside the system, where space was clean, hard
and relatively dust-free, there was a long, curving trajectory heading straight
to Prosper. This was admittedly a contradiction in terms.
sir. We’re looking in the wrong place.”
captain nodded, touching the button and addressing the ship.
hands. All hands. Prepare for heavy course changes and extreme acceleration.”
commander spoke.
get a message off to Prosper and Tiger.”
the stylus pointed.
would say that we should rendezvous with Tiger
right about here, sir.”
well. Good work.”
alarm sounded through the ship. Thirty seconds was the rule, after that it was
up to the helm.
were belting in.
Scimitar was a cruiser of approximately twenty-two
hundred metric tonnes mass. She was equipped with a pair of missile launchers,
rapid-fire recoilless guns, close-in weapons for defense and all the detection
and communications gear that could be jammed aboard. Depending on her mission,
some of that might have been removed in the hope for greater speed. Yet the
enemy obviously had something in mind and the ship would need some kind of
capability—offensive and defensive. The Confederates were not known for
suicidal tendencies.
weren’t exactly cowards, either.
Intelligence sources would be doing their own calculations, adding a quick
overcoat of stealth materials on the outside of the ship might have added five
to ten percent in terms of mass.
engine shielding would almost certainly be a significant proportion that new
was difficult to see how it might have been done any other way, considering the
original structure of the ship and the relatively short time allotted. At the
extremes of detection range, Wolf had
been going almost entirely on vessel signatures, radio traffic from all the
other little ships around her. The signals were encrypted but familiar from
long surveillance. Hopefully someday, somebody somewhere would eventually crack
the codes. Wolf’s cameras could
actually see Scimitar, whose small
but distinctive profile could be made out in their best shots.
they looked, she had always been there, with plenty of radio and small-boat
traffic to indicate ongoing repairs. Individual repairmen had radios in their
suits, all adding up to a complete picture upon thorough signals analysis.
that signature was gone. There were only so many places she could reasonably
go, out there on the edge of Empire—or Confederacy. Targets and friendly ports
were few and far between. If she was fully repaired, the Confederates would
definitely have need of her…it was quite possible they were concentrating for a
major attack. That was completely unknown to him, a job for Intelligence.
far, there had been no indications in terms of other ship movements. The daily
Intel Bulletins had made no mention
of it, and it was extremely difficult to read between lines that were not
was time for another quick and dirty little briefing.
much for the summing up.
had some real good minds aboard his ship.
had their full attention, the crew monitoring their stations, with him standing
at the front of the bridge facing them.
We need ideas. How are we going to find them?”
one idea, and we should be watching that carefully. Here’s the thing. We’re
actively scanning. They know we’re out here, as it has almost certainly been
reported to them that we checked in—and checked out again in a big hurry. When
we’re within their detection range, they will know. I’m convinced of that, but
in order to achieve such stealth, I’m wondering if they’ve made some sacrifices
in terms of capability.”
This was Murphy.
pretty good kid so far—
They can’t actively scan without giving themselves away. That much seems true. The
modern frigate is festooned with aerials. Cruisers, the same way. Antennas,
dishes, sensors, detectors of all kinds. The best stealth comes from flush
surfaces. We’ve never had any trouble finding her before, and it’s possible
they’ve buried some of that. All of it, probably. The best plan would be to do
a real thorough job. What if this is a one-off mission? That ship might be
sacrificial—but just think of it. Even without Prosper, in a very short time,
they’ll have the three of us out here. That’s a pretty darned juicy target, in
and of itself. Let’s say they take two or three of us out—” They could be back
at base, under the protection of their own guns, in a very short time.
Prosper is wide open, sir. And if the
sector is open—the whole damned quadrant is at risk.”
right. So put on your thinking caps. We have all the same equipment, more or
less, and in some cases better than theirs. I want to think in terms of heat,
radiation, unusual disturbances in the gravimetrics. I want you guys to think. Scimitar is a very small object and it’s
probably painted a soft, matte black. However, I would like a few volunteers
from the off-duty watch for visual search.”
were nods and long looks. Looking for a ship out here with the human eye was
the proverbial needle in a haystack. Especially if they didn’t want to be
pinging, and if you get even the slightest indication, don’t hesitate to report
it. Hopefully we’ve established a direction of travel. We have to start
somewhere. As for their velocity, that’s difficult. We are either ahead of them
or behind them. That’s one interpretation. In the meantime, we have
reinforcements on the way. And hopefully—the enemy won’t reveal themselves in
an attack scenario a second before they have to.” Scimitar, according to the scenario, had bigger fish to fry.
else, sir?” It was the commander.
I want you to take a few hours. Get some sleep. We’re going to be needing you. The
rest of you guys carry on, four on and four off. Make sure your reliefs are
properly briefed. These notes are available to all crew and should be
disseminated. Carry on, people. Jonesy—get me a coffee, please. Thank you,
ladies and gentlemen.”
was the time to take his seat, to look confident and think like hell…
Think like fucking crazy.
on tight-beam transmission, Wolf conferred
with her sister ship.
Tiger was still half a trillion
kilometres away and Wolf, on scene,
had the ball.
I want you to stay between us and Prosper. Begin a proper search pattern. Make
sure you’re sniffing space for anything out of the known, anything unusual, or
anything out of the ordinary.”
noted the terse word and the tense looks of the bridge crew.
on, Ursula. I’ll get back to you.” The captain nodded.
Alison. What’s up?”
As if there wasn’t enough tension, his chest tightened and his pulse picked up
a bit.
was getting a bit warm around here, a full half a degree Celsius hotter than it
really should be—with their extensive patrolling, always mapping, always
observing and recording, it was hotter than it had been about the same time
last week.
do we do, sir?”
it. Proceed with our pattern. Notify Tiger.”
stared at her readouts.
do you want us to do?”
us a minute here, but prepare to initiate a search pattern from right where you
are now—”
would be to stay between Scimitar—maybe,
and Prosper. It was the good old squeeze play—and two heads were better than
didn’t matter what the game was, there would never be perfect intelligence.
Decisions always involved the fog of war.
were countermeasures for everything these days. Radar signals could be mimicked
or spoofed by digital radio frequency memory. The device would send a signal
back to the scanning radar set, but giving a wrong echo, a false location for
the target. There were infrared countermeasures that did somewhat the same
thing, although the use of flares for example would be relegated to close-in
combat. Scimitar wouldn’t use those
unless she was fired upon—or thought she was facing imminent attack. Once she
was sure she was discovered, Scimitar
would also go to full power as quickly as possible, either for attack or escape
and evasion.
analyzed the data.
Vice-Commodore was pleased, and it wasn’t his ass out here on the line.
do we know that it’s not a decoy, sir?” It was, after all, in the right place
at the right time.
question. But here’s the problem, Captain. If it is a decoy, why send it this
way? There’s nowhere else for them to go anyways.”
bugger had a point, a good mind, and Jamie had some sense of floundering.
made a bit of sense. According to Intel, there were no signs of a concentration
of enemy units as if for a major offensive. If anything, there was
dispersal—indicating the enemy was hoarding assets and trying to stay out of
any sort of trouble that might ultimately be decisive.
were still thinking long term. This was wise enough for the weaker power. There
had even been rumours of negotiation or at least the possibility. They batted
the ideas back and forth.
don’t know, sir. Scimitar is a
valuable target. Maybe they really are taking her somewhere else, concentrating
for an attack. The use of a decoy still makes a lot of sense…”
The vice
commodore held up a hand, light-years away.
Let’s hope you and Tiger can cut her
sign, now that we know—or hope that we can do it. And let’s not make any sudden
moves. Remember, they have to be a hundred percent sure, before they will abort
the Prosper mission—which is, after all, the biggest target out here.”
other words, keep on pretending that they didn’t have a clue. Which wasn’t
going to be all that hard because they still didn’t.
something like that.
Murphy had the conn.
The captain was still yawning, with a distinct aroma of toothpaste coming off
of him, but it was a small ship and it had always been pretty informal in the
Fleet anyways.
was especially true on patrol, away from people with gold on their hats and
deskbound administrator-warriors.
just came in.”
sat and had a look at the first one.
Dragon, six hours out from her new
proposed rendezvous point. This was approximately halfway between Tiger and Prosper, on what was the most likely track of their assumed
target—bearing in mind they had exactly two pieces of information, one, that Scimitar was missing and their little
sniff of a few hours ago.
strategy was two-fold. The three vessels were far enough apart that Scimitar couldn’t attack all three at
once and they could search three different sectors, all along the enemy’s
projected track.
second message was from Tiger.
sweeping, results negative.
yes, Mister Murphy?” Somebody thoughtfully placed a coffee, just the way the captain
liked it, into his drink holder.
just that I’ve got an idea.”
has all the latest star maps.” Their own needed constant updating, which was
just as often done in port to keep radio communication minimal. “But as Scimitar approaches Prosper, her
apparent magnitude will get larger and larger.”
So. She’s painted black—most likely. And she’s all sharp end from their
was nothing around to light her up visually, what with Prosper orbiting a brown
would probably use the asteroid belts and other bodies in the system for cover.
This was part of their own logic, with Scimitar
presumably hoping to pop out from behind the largest planet in the system, a
ringed gas giant twice as large as Saturn. There were a couple of smaller
planets as well, but this would give her the biggest margin in terms of angle of
approach. She would be able to get in nice and close and no one would see a
sir, but she only has limited instrumentation on the rear of the ship and
that’s mostly for tail-chase in combat.” They had to watch their six, just like
any other combat ship. Rear-view, limited by exhaust plumes, was always a sore
spot. Designers did the best they could.
were cameras and sensors, of course.
in regular traffic lanes, it was good to see if another ship was coming up too
fast from behind, the crew perhaps not paying attention or in a case of a
computer glitch—which did happen from time to time.
or later, from the point of view of the defense, they have to block out a star,
however briefly, no matter how faint and far away. It’s what our own lookouts
are trying to see, after all.It’s
the only way we’re going to see her, right?”
mouth opened. Of course—of course.
right. Send off a signal, explaining as best you can. Hopefully, they can get
enough cameras and sensors up in time—let’s hope they’ve got the computing
thing with stealth and weapons deployment was that you had to open up. Hatches
would open, turrets and launchers would pop up. Radar and laser beams would
attempt to acquire targets. Scimitar
would give herself away. By that time, it would be almost too late.
was close to the end of his watch.
sat up at the tone.
sir. Heat.” The technician, a girl named Rose, sent it to his station and an
icon appeared on his screen.
it up, he could see exactly what was on her display.
well, well.”
they had three points of information. It appeared that Scimitar had gotten well ahead of where they were searching,
mindlessly going back and forth in a scaled grid-pattern.
on with our search pattern. I will send this to Tiger, Dragon, and Prosper immediately.”
it them, sir? Is it Scimitar?”
don’t know. But judging by that flare…there’s something hot, and invisible out
there. It’s right on our projected track…basically, we just don’t know.”
face was pale, but she just nodded.
okay. We’re out of range—theoretically, and they’re still out of range of Tiger.”
Range meant something entirely new these
days, referring more to missile transit and defensive response times than
actual distance. Wolf was actively
scanning and her defensive systems were hot and ready.
enemy would know or guess that.
Scimitar was closing in on
their sister ship, who according to schedule, was just coming to the end of
their leg and would be about ready to turn around...
cabin temperature seemed to be climbing as well, but that was probably just stress.
had passed.
was in communication with Ursula Bainbridge, captain of Tiger. There were slight bags under her eyes, probably no worse
than his…
kicked his ass in war games at the academy, and he’d thought of her more than
once—since then.
was distinctly unhappy.
don’t know. It’s hard to say—but what other targets are out here, besides
Prosper—and us.”
face was bleak and hard, and his probably not much better. The trouble was that
people had to eat and sleep and the sheer tension would inevitably take its
how come we haven’t spotted her?”
were many problems with the box search, not the least of which was finite sensor
range and the three-dimensional nature of the search. It took too much time to
fill in each square.
Scimitar could have simply
slipped past, enough time had gone by and the Tiger might have simply been at the other end of a run.
Scimitar could at least see them. The implications of their
search pattern could not have escaped the enemy commander.
Murphy says they’re zigzagging. He’s assuming a turn to starboard, possibly
down, or away from you, us, and their presumed target. Prosper. The problem is
exactly what pattern they’re using.” Merely changing course two or three
degrees, up and down, left and right, either way wouldn’t do much for them, and
therefore it might be pretty extreme—something on the order of forty-five
degrees right and left, for example.
The Scimitar’s captain, Rolf Schmitt, was
thoroughly competent and a bit of a wild card in Intel’s analysis.
was known for his tactical innovations. He’d written some textbooks and taught
at their academy in the earlier, peacetime part of his career. At forty-two, he
was young to be in command of a cruiser.
assuming our hits were indeed Scimitar.
Based upon her estimated mass, which is total guesswork, and the distance
traveled. Murphy says they’re not making more than five to ten percent of full
makes sense. How do we find them now?”
we’ve definitely lost whatever it was that was detected, I’m suggesting that
you guys continue your search. We’ll head to Dragon for our regular replenishment.” It was actually due in a
week or so, but she was in the neighbourhood. “After that, perhaps taking
slightly longer than usual, hopefully even making them think we have mechanical
problems, we’ll head back to base.”
then what?”
got the kids in the electronics department retuning our buoys. We’re going to
establish as much coverage as we can and drop every damned one of them. Scimitar, assuming such a course change,
is still two days out at a minimum.” The buoys would be looking for heat—and
well. We can do that. Send over the specs on those mods before you go.”
that—and good luck.”
And good hunting.
An old cliché.
came pelting out to the bridge as the call came over the speakers.
was Dragon.
going on?”
been hit.”
our position. Get me a link.”
Ben Rourke appeared onscreen.
advised, hostile action. Be advised, hostile action.” There was something in
the air aboard Dragon—smoke.
happened, Captain?” Rourke outranked him.
been holed. Small-caliber laser. They’re probably waiting for you to assist
us—hold off until called, please.”
by the combat display, Tiger was
maneuvering to intercept as well. They were hours away at this point.
Wolf was presently to starboard and abeam
of Dragon, on the way back to Prosper
after dropping a pattern of buoys along their trajectory. The little machines
would maneuver to the extent that their fuel lasted.
that. What is your status?”
have several compartments compromised. We might have lost a few people there.
It’s only just happened. We didn’t see a thing. We are maneuvering to evade
further fire…”
Rourke. I want to drop a boat. We’re well out of range and I think you need it
more than us.”
Proceed with your plan, Captain.”
Roger that.”
now they had four, or was that five, data points.
And Scimitar was still probably going after
Prosper—it would be wise not to lose sight of that.
sat up, half dozing as he sat his watch. They were all getting like that and he
would have to watch them, and himself, closely.
Buoy Eighteen, sir. It’s got something.”
was an edgy pause as the view from Eighteen came up on the big forward screen.
in the hell…are we looking at?” It was nothing but a field of stars and a
pretty ordinary one at that.
tech shook his head, chewing on his lip and searching.
arm shot out.
left corner.”
was them—or it was definitely
winked out, and stars winked into existence as some unseen, moving object
blocked them from view momentarily. His heart seemed to have stopped, only
starting again as the picture slewed.
Eighteen is successfully tracking.”
sudden laugh rippled through the bridge staff, holding their collective breath
until now.
this to Tiger, Dragon, Prosper and
all units in the vicinity. Slave the feed and lock that up for them if you
yes sir.”
kid’s fingers flew across the pad and Jamie confirmed the message sent on his
own board.
else, sir?”
don’t know. Let me think on that a minute—” More nervous laughs, but
considering what Scimitar had done to
Dragon—and what she was ultimately
capable of, there was no sense in an immediate attack. “No. We will proceed
with our own plan. And pray that thing’s power supply holds up. Okay. She’s
going to keep zigzagging, and we need to get all of our buoys out there.”
sat back in his seat, unable to take his eyes off of that forbidding black
silhouette. If you watched it long enough, you could almost fancy the proper
shapes were there, the basic structure revealed by how long each particular feature
of the ship obscured any given star…
gave a sharp nod.
all looked and listened.
no mistake—that thing really is Scimitar,
ladies and gentlemen.”
I am convinced of that.
Dragon had her damage under control. Under
distant escort by Tiger, she was
heading back to port.
ships were zigzagging in their own pattern. So far they were still out of range
of the target being tracked by their buoys, Eighteen having fortunately handed
off to another device when its small tank of reaction mass had run out.
had all units out of port, dispersed by doctrine and the necessity of getting
as many surveillance devices in place as possible. It wasn’t exactly simple. If
Scimitar, still zigzagging randomly,
broke their tail, they might have a great deal of difficulty in acquiring her
again. A pure frontal attack on Prosper didn’t seem very likely either, now that
she had revealed her presence and had had time to prepare a proper
the Confederates had something else in mind…
big question now was what.
Scimitar had moved up her schedule—
alert. Attack alert.”
was on the bridge, closing in on her last known position when battle joined.
ahead full. All weapons to green. Full auto.”
aye, sir.”
and queries flew back and forth.
ships converge. All ships converge.” It was Prosper, committing all resources.
had just been hit with directed-energy weapons, lasers and four rockets, one of
which had made it through the defenses.
what is your status. Repeat, what is your status?” It was Dragon.
captain was inbound, damaged herself, and flying into the middle of a battle.
but not extensive. Proceed on course, Dragon.”
radio was crackling with traffic on a hundred channels as they hunted Scimitar.
Scimitar revealed herself, hot beams
of energy flashing from her turrets.
Wolf turned into the lasers, relying on
her sharp nose and oblique angles to deflect most of the blast.
Tiger had her dead to rights and
launched a full salvo of missiles.
could have sworn there was at least one impact…
Splendid was inbound, less than five
minutes out. Scimitar disappeared off screen again, but not before firing a spread
of heavy, long-range missiles.
were inbound.
thin buzz of the chain-drive of the close-in anti-missile system came right
through the seat of the pants as targets blossomed into flame and debris…much
of it still headed this way.
a port, down ten degrees. Half power, please.”
groaned in their seats.
seemed to have passed over their heads…
is she?”
Scimitar was gone again as small chemical
torpedoes sped through the intervening space, launched in a rather forlorn hope
by the aging Dominium escorts, Corgi
and Exeter.
Mister Murphy?”
turned away, sir.”
sat there in their seats, not knowing which way to turn, waiting for the next
shot to come out of nowhere as the radio babbled and there was distinct panic
in people’s voices.
next shot never came.
no further signs of Scimitar and all ships in need of replenishment, refueling
and rearming, Prosper had recalled them.
were now deployed in a bubble defense about the station itself, where they
could sweep the largest volume of space with their instruments and where they
were in a position to support each other in an attack.
days had gone by.
had happened.
were consulting with Vice Commodore Perry.
concerns were many, the worst part was that they were stationary and reacting
when they would normally have been the ones setting the agenda.
must admit, Scimitar has done a real
number on us. We’re sitting here doing nothing. We have reinforcements on the
way, necessitating shuffles and redeployments across all sectors. And Scimitar is out there somewhere…” With a
bit of bad luck, Scimitar would be in the right place at the right time and
possibly take out some heavy Fleet units on their way to Prosper—there was
simply no way to know.
Wolf goes out on patrol. The first
thing we do is check Kepler. I’m convinced Scimitar
was damaged sir—not destroyed, but unable to defend herself against superior
numbers. Otherwise, she still should have had the advantage of us. I doubt if
they can effect proper repairs after such an encounter without portside
assistance. We’re fairly convinced of several directed-energy hits and at least
one missile impact.”
I’m inclined to agree.” The man on the screen heaved a deep sigh. “Very well.
And report back here soonest. When can you leave?”
hours, maybe less.” Wolf had lost a
bit of paint and one or two laser hits had come damned close to burn-through.
“I’d like to do a quick sweep of this system and then head on over there.”
was a trade-off, risking Wolf for the
safety of Prosper and the other units.
That makes sense.” Scimitar could
very well still be out there, relatively undamaged.
had been a very near thing, considering just how thin those hull plates
actually were.
luck. And be careful out there—your ship is irreplaceable right about now and
that’s likely to continue for the very near future.”
didn’t have too many questions, and that was a good thing.
had just had the sickest idea, and the odds were he’d never get clearance.
the time being, he’d keep it to himself.
been thinking of stealth quite a lot.
was more than one way to skin a cat.
crew had recovered an ancient torpedo, one fired and forgotten by Corgi. Having run out of fuel, it
coasted along on a trajectory that would, in a trillion years, have seen the
end of the universe.
up its tanks, they’d kept it aboard, with the people in the machine shop making
up an extensible launcher arm. The thing had been fused for time of flight.
This required a precise launch trajectory and perfect timing in the release.
front end of Wolf was the pointy
end—and he’d taken the precaution of spending some time, checking out Prosper
system. This had taken them, of necessity, behind gas giants, the star itself,
and then out the far side.
thing with Kepler base was to approach from the least expected direction. He
was calling it the fish-hook maneuver.
thing to do was to go in at high speed, launch their torpedo at a Scimitar immobilized by docking and
repairs…dozens of other vessels in close proximity.
then light up all burners and get the hell out of there.
a target at faster than light speed was very difficult, but it had the
advantage over the more conventional sub-light combat maneuvering. The enemy
did not see them until Wolf was right
upon them, and by the then the missile, capable of a significant portion of
light-speed in its own right, was already on the way.
held their breaths, watching the dots on the screen as Wolf plowed on, already past the hope of pursuit.
that? Shit.” The commander sighed.
We missed.
warhead detonated long after it should have, striking some unlucky service
vessel, unprotected by jammers or rotary wire guns or any of a hundred similar
defensive systems. As for the Confederate base itself, it didn’t seem to have
much in the way of defenses. This was certainly interesting information…there will always be a next time.
groan went through the bridge crew and no doubt the rest of the ship.
didn’t feel right, somehow, to think of it in terms of revenge. Even though eleven
people had lost their lives aboard Dragon, with another handful seriously
maimed and injured.
with our present course and acceleration. We will proceed to point P and continue our patrol until
Let Prosper have that last bit and our logs for the mission so far. Do that
soonest, Mister
that, would appear to be that, although it would take a little time for the
lessons to be absorbed.
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